"Every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten... please think of the kittens."

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June 15th
-Video of Kris Roe on Jaywalking w/ Jay Leno (He's the last one, he comes on about 1 min. 10 sec. into the video)...
June 14th
-Video of Poison The Well - "Nerdy" (live in Boston June 8th at Karma Club) I was there...
June 10th
-Hello, welcome to my new blog...

You think you know... but you have no idea. This is the JOURNAL of Rory McGrath!  

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Monday, July 08, 2002 :::
"I'm gonna do it...!"
The Infamous words from Crazy Pants before he ran onstage during Piebald.
Tonight I went to see Circle and Square, Taking Back Sunday, Ben Kweller, and Piebald with White Devil, Crazy Pants, Iggy and Harris.

--Circle and Square were amazing they were like Weezer meets At The Drive In.

--Taking Back Sunday sucked. They were like emo/hardcore. If I wanted to listen to hardcore then I'lllisten to Ten Yard Fight or American Nightmare not a cheap rip off, emo band.

--Ben Kweller was amazing. I don't know how to describe them at all. But Ben is apparently hot so he drew al lthe hot girls in the crowd... and he sounds like Rivers from Weezer a little. Also he was stoned out of his mind, really funny.

--Piebald. Obviously awesome. They played for a atleast a little over an hour. Everyone in the place was singing. They were shooting footage for the video for "American Hearts" and they filmed the whole show for there DVD. It was cool. Hopefulyl I'll get in it at least once. Yes, Charlie said he would run on stage and he did and it was hilarious...

Current Mood:
Current Music: Piebald, Ben Kweller and Circle and Square but not Taking Back Sunday

::: posted by RDM at 12:16 AM

Wednesday, June 26, 2002 :::
Summer "Update" - or lack-of an update...
Wow, I haven't updated this... I literally have to think so hard just to think what i did 2 days ago... so I'm not going to right now.
I've had so much fun with those I have hung out with so far. And I love you.

I think someday soon if I ever get bored this summer I well tell everything I've done so far but until that moment comes... I'll cya.

Current Mood: : )
Current Music: Simple Plan

::: posted by RDM at 12:21 AM

Wednesday, June 19, 2002 :::
Today was the last day of school, actually yesterday since its past midnight. This is what we all wait for all year long. Not only did the entire year go by SO fast but even the end of the year which usually drags on went fast too. Think about how short our summer really is and this year we got out earlier tha usual too. I guess we need to just live it up and have fun...

Tonight I went to Colleen's. We just went in the jacuzzi and pool and then chilled. Caitlin, Pat and Colin were there and Mike Howard and Dan Razotti came later. I was so tired earlier but in a way unfortunately I woke up throughout the night, and now I don't think I'll be able to get to sleep.

I hope this journal never comes off as "emo"... cuz my intensions were far from that. If you look at the entries they are basically all stupid or sometimes funny stories.


Current Mood: summer...!
Current Music: Pieblad

::: posted by RDM at 12:31 AM

Sunday, June 16, 2002 :::
"Pant's and a T-shirt..."
Today I went to Shaws with Alex and Colin and we skated/filmed. Later Casey called Colin's cell and he apparently asked Colin what it was like out and Colin replyed, "Pant's and a T-Shirt" me and Alex where laughing because we didn't know he was talking to on the phone and it sounded like he was haveing a phone sex conversation... "what are you wearing...?". So Shawn came over on his bike, we went to 7-11 and some fat guy was talking about Oxy-cotton and how he got his leg cut off(note: he had two legs).

I hope its nicer out Monday than it was today...

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Avril Lavigne - "Complicated" mp3, Coheed and Cambria, From Autumn to Ashes

::: posted by RDM at 9:07 PM

Friday, June 14, 2002 :::
"God Must Hate Me"
Today I had the Health and History finals. Health was funny because for one part of the final we had to do a group project so me, Lucci, and Stafford got together. We had to createa group against some form of hatered or prejustice so we (specificIy I) came up with S.T.D. - Stop The Discrimination. Anothre we considered was F.A.G.d. - Fight Against Gay Discrimination. Oh so clever. Near the end of the period after as Miss Duff said we had "done nothing the whole time" she basically told us your project sucked. Next I had History. I knew both essays so that completely helped me out going into the test and I think I got all the fill ins right but the multiple choice was some-what hard, but they are only worth half a point each.

After school I went with Colin, Alex, Kevin and Sousa. I don't knwo what to say about it. It was fun. Colin had to get rid of his paintball gun because his parents foun dit and were pissed, so he decided to trade it to some wiger from Tewksbury for a skateboard. Thats right $200 worth of paintball equipment for a at most $50 skateboard. So when went to Little Peach to meet him. The kid pulls up with his mom driving, and he is wearing a hat with a weed leaf on it with his wife beater and over sized pants (wow).

Quote of the day (by far):
"What are you jewish?" -some random little kid to Sousa
"Why are you wearing a Spongebob shirt anyway?" -some random little kid to Sousa
Sousa almost fought the 8 year old...

Current Mood: chillin'...
Current Music: Simple Plan

::: posted by RDM at 10:33 PM

Thursday, June 13, 2002 :::
Finals, nearing the end...
Wednesday - I had the MCAS Math and Geometry finals. I thought the MCAS Math was easy (got a 96, infact) but others found it hard. I thought the Geometry was hard but others found it to be relitively easy. Weird. Wednesday on the half day, I just went to Colleen's house with Maria, Shawnette, Caitlin, Sara, Pat, Cristin.

Thursday - I had MS Office and Science. The MS Office was easy for two reasons, 1) Well it's MS Office 2) We stayed in the computer room and al lthe answer i needed where right there on the study guide in my bag. On the other hand the Science final was a bit more defficult. The essay's were easy but the multiple choice killed me. After school, me and Shawn got a ride from Douty to the center and met up with Mike, Iggy, Ioanis, Cummings, Frong, Carlie, O'neil and later AJ and Chris. We went to the Harris' house and listened to Part Two is Better jam, they're so good. It was awesome. While we were at the center, Iggy figured out how to work Ioanis' car alarm, so Ioanis stole his own car infront of people so they would think he was stealing someone elses... pretty funny although it didn't work to well.

Current Mood: joyful
Current Music: Bane - Give Blood

::: posted by RDM at 5:31 PM

Tuesday, June 11, 2002 :::
It's all over...
Today was our final full day of classes... thank the lord.

After school me and Arsenault went to blockbuster and rented Medal of Honor: Frontline. The game is crazy, its wicked realistic. Also rented Test Drive, which has some nasty cars in it. We downloaded the rest of the Eminem CD and I am listening to it as we speak.

Current Mood: anxious...
Current Music: Eminem?

::: posted by RDM at 8:59 PM

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