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Monday, July 08, 2002 :::
"I'm gonna do it...!"
The Infamous words from Crazy Pants before he ran onstage during Piebald.
Tonight I went to see Circle and Square, Taking Back Sunday, Ben Kweller, and Piebald with White Devil, Crazy Pants, Iggy and Harris.

--Circle and Square were amazing they were like Weezer meets At The Drive In.

--Taking Back Sunday sucked. They were like emo/hardcore. If I wanted to listen to hardcore then I'lllisten to Ten Yard Fight or American Nightmare not a cheap rip off, emo band.

--Ben Kweller was amazing. I don't know how to describe them at all. But Ben is apparently hot so he drew al lthe hot girls in the crowd... and he sounds like Rivers from Weezer a little. Also he was stoned out of his mind, really funny.

--Piebald. Obviously awesome. They played for a atleast a little over an hour. Everyone in the place was singing. They were shooting footage for the video for "American Hearts" and they filmed the whole show for there DVD. It was cool. Hopefulyl I'll get in it at least once. Yes, Charlie said he would run on stage and he did and it was hilarious...

Current Mood:
Current Music: Piebald, Ben Kweller and Circle and Square but not Taking Back Sunday

::: posted by RDM at 12:16 AM

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